Thursday 30 March 2017

Submission of letter to CPMG by JCA Chennai GPO-for Cadre Restructring

CHENNAI GPO, 600 001.
                                                   Dated 29-03-2017

The Chief Postmaster General,
Tamilnadu Circle,
Chennai – 600002.
                                                [Through proper channel]
Respected Sir,
                        Sub : Request to keep the implementation of Cadre Restructuring proposal of Chennai GPO in abeyance till amicable settlement of the issues raised by the staff side- reg.

                        Ref : Dte. Memo No. 25-04/2012-PE-1 dated 27-05-2016

            I profoundly submit the following on the aforesaid subject for kind consideration and request to take appropriate action to Cadre Restructuring proposal of Group-C in Chennai GPO. In this regard a kind reference is invited to the letters already submitted by the Secretary General of FNPO and NFPE to the Secretary [Posts] and Member [P].

1.                  The posts in post offices viz. System Administrator, Business Executive, CPC Supervisor, PLI Group Leaders, Supervisor Clearing, CTS Clearing, DBT Clearing, Supervisor E-payment Nodal, POID Card Nodal etc. May be upgraded to LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I under Cadre restructuring accordingly.

2.                  The post of Treasure need not be upgraded to LSG, as it is a two-year tenure post with special allowance. In case, the Treasurer posts are to be upgraded then the tenure shall be four years with allowance at par with LSG. The supervisory work  performed in Savings bank, Money order, Registration, Speed post, Delivery, Administration, PLI-CPC, SB Clearing, DBT Clearing, Accounts, E-payment Nodal, POID card Nodal were ignored and left over and not considered for up gradation to LSG in Cadre restructuring. 

3.                  In the cadre structuring orders, the number of post of LSG and Pas have been identified as follows at Chennai GPO.
LSG                  9 posts
PA                    175 posts

As per the promotion ration comparison in Cadre restructuring review, there should be 1 LSG post for every 3 Pas [1:3 ration] and accordingly, this office is entitled to have nearly 58 LSG posts where as only 9 LSG posts were identified.

4.                  Out of 9 LSG posts allotted to this office, 6 posts are identified for Treasury branch. This means all the standard LSG officials now holding norm based supervisory posts will have to work as Postal Assistants in Treasury branch.

5.                  Since only 9 LSG posts were identified at Chennai GPO, the Postal Assistants who are considered for LSG posts as per Circle gradation list will be offered posts in other divisions which will have cascading effect of further reduction in PA cadre and this create unrest among the officials and also deficiency in service to the general public due to reduction of PAs

6.                  Most of the Postal Assistants at this office who are due for promotion as LSG in Cadre restructuring [for which the grade pay has been fixed as Rs.2800/-] have already reached the grade pay of Rs.4200/- and Rs.4600/- and the promotion to LSG will not at all benefit them.

7.                  If LSG promotion is accepted by the officials, then there will be large number of supervisory posts in HSG-II and HSG-I will remain vacant for long time and in order to fill these posts, minimum qualification of service for promotion shall be removed as a one-time measure after obtaining permission from Nodal ministry. Also, all the officials eligible for promotion in HSG-II/HSG-I shall be given notional promotion. Such notional promotion was granted from 1983 for LSG and from 1991 for HSG-II/I.

8.                  Although the Cadre restructuring proposal signed by the staff side and the Administration side during the year 2008, it has been decided to implement this year after a gap of nearly 9 years. Due to this inordinate delay, there will be large scale dislocation of senior officials leading to much difficulty to them and their families and moreover there will be no financial benefit to them as they all reached the LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I pay scale after getting MACP-1, MACP-2 and MACP-3 promotions.
                 Hence, taking the above valuable points into consideration, the JCA of Chennai GPO urges the Administration to consider minimal disturbance of staff so as to avoid decline in business performance and maintaining the positive upward trend of this office.

It is once again requested to keep in abeyance the implementation of cadre restructuring proposal till the genuine demands of the staff side are redressed in an amicable manner and a negotiated settlements is reached between official side and staff side.

We hope the Chief Postmaster General Tamil Nadu Circle will understand the genuine difficulties of the officials who are to be promoted under Cadre Review a positive and helping hand to ameliorate their grievances on Sympathetic and humanitarian consideration
A line of reply on the action taken is highly solicited.

D.A. PJCA [Cadre restructuring]
                                                                        Yours Faithfully,
Branch Secretary                                                                                            Branch Secretary
APIEU – P3                                                                                                      NAPE – P3

Copy to
1] The Secretary General [FNPO AND NFPE], New Delhi – 110001
2] The General Secretary, NAPE-P3 and AIPEU-P3, New Delhi- 110001
3] The Circle Secretary, NAPE-P3 and AIPEU-P3, TN Circle, Chennai – 600002.

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